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The Worm!

Friends Made Of Jelly

Final 7/11/24

I am choosing The Worm as a first project focus.

The task goals here are going to be...

1. Get comfortable working with new pipeline.

     I've added new tools to my process. I need to practice using them. That is what this project is for.

2. Create original drawings of what I would like the result to be. Imagine this in my mind before I create it by chance. 

3. Some sort of gummy model rendered with Redshift. Does not have to animate. This is for materials and lighting.

4. Animation. The main goal here is to replicate the original gummy animation as close as I can.

5. Make something cooler than the reference.

That's it for this Jelly!


edited 7/18/24

Path To Learning

ZBrush to Houdini 7_16_24
ZBrush to Houdini 7_16_24
Final 7_11_24
Final 7/11/24
IntroBot Copy


edited 6/26/24

Tutorial Hell

Screenshot 2024-06-20 120612.png
jelly candy worm.jpg

What to do...... what to do.


Friends Made Of Jelly

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